Tests for Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Below you will find a few screeners (short questionnaires) and an extensive ASD questionnaire. You will receive the reports of these lists in your mailbox after completing the questionnaires. These questionnaires try to ascertain if you have symptoms of Autism spectrum disorder.

Please note: these reports should also be viewed by a professional. Only a professional can assess with further investigation whether or not you meet the diagnosis Autism Spectrum Disorder!

The AQ screener is a short questionnaire that can clarify whether more research needs to be done about you and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Complete this AQ as spontaneously as possible, without thinking too much about each question.

Click HERE to fill in the AQ-questionnaire

The EQ Screener is a short questionnaire that attempts to measure empathy. It can also say something about the presence of autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Also fill this out as spontaneously as possible, without thinking long about each question.

Click HERE to fill in the EQ-questionnaire (Dutch version! English version to be found very soon)

The extensive ASD questionnaire is a combination of questions from the NIDA (Vuijk, R. 2016) and the DSM-5 interview by Annelies Spek (Dutch clinical psychologist). Normally these questions are all asked in an extensive interview. However, many questions can already be filled in by you in this digital way. As a result, a clinician can use this completed questionnaire to ask more specific questions in the following interview. Often several examples of your answers are asked. In fact, the diagnostic process can be accelerated without compromising on quality.

PLEASE NOTE: This extensive ASD questionnaire is best completed with someone next to you who also knows you from your childhood. Many questions are also about how you were in childhood. If you don't know, you can skip these questions. But... without much information from your childhood, the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder can be more difficult to ascertain.

Click HERE to fill in the extensive ASD-questionnaire

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